2x Omron NE-C28 CompAir Compressor Nebuliser

  • Sale Price: £116.99
  • Availability: Usually dispatched within 4-5 business days


  • The stylish case has a convenient holding point to store the nebuliser chamber when not in use.
  • High respirable output from VVT nebuliser chamber
  • Small easy to clean case water resistant case and switch
  • Complete with VVT nebuliser chamber, mouthpiece, adult and child masks, tubing with easy to attach connectors and spare filters
  • Handy shape nebuliser chamber of arthritic joints

Product Details

Product Description

The unique combination of the new Omron CompactAir Compressor with the VVT nebuliser chamber means more aerosol in a respirable size is available for the patient to inhale. The new design nebuliser chamber means fewer parts to lose and less parts to clean and easier to maintain.

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