Our XFPowerCage is cleverly designed "all in one" combination of the three major exercise stretchers (smith machine, Twin weight oblate functional trainer and pore rack) and alloys you to keep up with and perform the latest exercise technique and training programs as well as all the tried and true basics. When you purchase the XFPowerCage you simply get three machines in one and with a very compact footprint. Also the XFPowerCage is designed to fit in average hight ceilings
Functional Trainer (2 x Weight plate sliders and pulleys Smith Machine Chin Up Bar Torsonator Dipping Handles Spotter arms (safeties) Wide grip lat pull down bar Close grip V row bar Triceps rope Stirrup handles Abdominal hamess Weight plate storage rods Attachment storage holders Fixing ring for suspension system Compact footprint Assembled Size: 152x186x226cm