SLK Ear Candle for the ear care

  • List Price: £7.58
  • Sale Price: £7.58
  • Availability: Usually dispatched within 24 hours


  • Natural Remedy for Removing excessive Ear Wax.
  • Promotes Relaxing Feeling.
  • Contains 3 unique safety features.
  • 100% Cotton, Wax, Rose Oil. Hand Made.
  • Natural Product. UKAS Quality Approved.

Product Details

Product Description

Ear Candles - Contains 2 Comfy Ear Cones and 1 Protective Disc Pure Natural Herbs & Essential Oil For Removal of Ear Wax and Relaxation General Information Ear Candle is a natural treatment derived from an ancient Chinese tradition. This simple and safe method causes a warming effect to enter the outer ear canal where it softens and loosens old and hardened ear wax, helping to break up wax so that it can excrete naturally. The treatment process enables the warmth to gently massage the tympanic membrane and stimulate the ear, nose and throat so that the sinuses can be relieved. Ear Candles or Ear Cones have a physical function when used. When it is alight, the fire burns the oxygen inside the cone and creates a depressurised zone which essentially sucks out the ear wax and debris inside your ear. The fire creates a vibration of air in the ear cone, generating a massage-like effect on the eardrum. This induces a pleasant feeling of warmth and a balance of pressure in the ears, forehead and sinuses. It is soothing and helpful for earache, headache, Tinnitus(Drumming in the ear), stress, anxiety and nervousness. The physical effect is often described directly after the treatment as a soothing, pleasure and pain relieving sensation. An interesting "crackling" sound can be heard as the candle is burning. Each candle may take 7-8 minutes to burn down to the flame-breaking ring, where the candle is then removed and extinguished. Treatment may also spontaneously cause freer nasal breathing and an improved sense of smell, even when the nose was blocked before treatment. Furthermore, the whole process brings a wonderful relaxation, a sense of security and a feeling of happiness which is seldomly experienced. For SLK Ear Candle, we use unbleached original fabric, natural wax, traditional herbs(Sage, St John's Wort, Camomile) and pure essential oils.

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