Weight Loss Diet-Please put the seal on the blue dot area as shown in picture Put the seal on the chosen ear spot (Diet, Up Lift) for 15 minutes, and you will see the result.
You can re-use this adhesive seal for approximately 4-5 times.
The first collaboration of Make B and bodywork therapist! It is reasonable and effective! A weak electric power similar to a mixture of silicone and copper occurs, while it brings facial muscle movements similar to the effect of pressing and extreme infrared radiation. A boost of the lymphatic flow.
You can use it before you are out and about while you put make up on. It is also good to put on while you pack your lunch, purses or bags before you leave home. We recommend you to spend a little bit time on it every day if you have concerns about your smile lines.
It is useful for making you look even more awake and improving aging spots and rough skin. A pack of 8 seals.
Please make sure to put the ear seal on the right spot for weight loss diet use. Please do not use put this seal more than 6 hours a day. Please do not use this if you are allergic to metal. For a lift up effect, please put a seal on both sides of your ears. It helps to see the result better.