If you are experiencing Prostate problems then Prostate Patch could be the answer.
Prostate Patch is one of the leading natural prostate products in the UK; containing all natural ingredients aimed at relieving and improving Prostate problems. Over the last few years scientists have made a major breakthrough in the way ingredients such as Saw Palmetto are absorbed into the body. They have discovered a
revolutionary new absorption method that is far more effective than any other previous treatments including tablets and capsules. Doctors are calling transdermal patches the delivery system of the future because it has been discovered that a high absorption rate of many supplements can be achieved when delivered directly through the skin.
Saw Palmetto Berry is a traditional Native American remedy for the prostate. It's active ingredient, Beta Sisterol, significantly reduces the harmful effects of DHT (the chemical that causes prostate enlargement). Studies have proven it to be more effective than the prescription prostate drugs at shrinking enlarged prostate tissue. It is also proven to
significantly reduce the frequency of urination and to improve urine flow rate - plus it is already well established as a preventative of urinary tract infections. Together with Panax Ginseng, Pygeum Africanum and OptiZinc, Saw Palmetto Berry is easily absorbed into your body via the Prostate Patch without the use of pills .
The Prostate Patch uses transdermal technology to administer the key ingredients directly into your body, which leading studies have shown, has major advantages over oral solutions.