It has a fully adjustable seat and handlebars so this cruiser bike can be adapted as your child grows for a long lasting design. The caliper brakes on the front and rear mean they can control their speed and it gives you peace of mind when they’re out and about. With tough pneumatic wheels and a robust frame this One Direction bike is built for house of play and plenty of adventures. The fully enclosed printed chainguard protects the chain from rust and dirt while your youngster will love the printed pictures of Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis. There’s also printed 1D graphics across the frame and an I Heart One Direction slogan on the centre bar, just to really show their love for the band! Useful info: Cruiser style 40cm (16 ) Spoked wheels with Pneumatic tyres Fully enclosed printed chainguard Front and rear caliper brakes Printed wheel discs Adjustable seat height 49-59 cm Adjustable handlebar height 65-70 cm Manufacturer: MV SportsModel: M04863