The brain is the most complex machine in the universe and the largest and most important part of your nervous system. It contains more than 10 billion neurons with intricate pathways linking our senses, our movements and our memory. The brain depends upon a wide supply of different micronutrients that work together to ensure optimum health and performance and it consumes a massive 30% of the energy we produce from our food. Like all 'machines', it makes sense that what you put in affects what you get out! There are lots of things you can do to make sure you're getting the most out of your brain and to protect its long-term health. While a generally healthy diet with an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, and the appropriate levels of protein, fats and carbohydrates will support the health of the brain, there are specific 'brain' nutrients that have especially supportive functions. Maintained mental performance requires the optimal functioning of brain cells and the complex neuronal network. Brain cells cannot be replaced and have the highest priority in the body for specific micronutrients.