Male and Female Combined Test
A couple are considered infertile if pregnancy does not occur after 12 months of unprotected intercourse. Infertility affects approximately 10-15% of couples of reproductive age and 40-50% of infertility is due to problems with sperm.
These tests conveniently and accurately determine male and female fertility potential in the privacy of the home.
Male Fertility TestWhy do I need this test?
The male must produce a sufficient number of normal, actively moving sperm in order to achieve conception and according to the World Health Organisation a man needs 20 million sperm per mL to be considered fertile. The Test-Point Test Kit will tell you whether the sperm concentration in the test sample is below 20 million/mL motile sperm (negative test) or above 20 million/mL motile sperm (positive test). A positive result is going to be good news although it's not proof of fertility. A negative result is not all bad news because it saves you months of trying to have a baby - in this case we suggest you get along to the doctor for professional help and advice.
Female Fertility TestWhy do I need this test?
The hormone F.S.H. can be raised in women with irregular periods and will steadily rise as a woman gets older. As menopause approaches the levels get particularly high and act as an early warning system. With this test a negative result is going to be good news although its not proof of fertility. A positive test result suggests your fertility is reduced and we recommend that you see your doctor to discuss the results and perhaps have more tests done.