The bike is assembled to 85%. You have to assemble the front wheel, the saddle and the pedals, adjust the handlebars and the brakes, the rear suspension and the gear shift if this is part of the equipment.
Don't worry - you're not crazy at all! This bike really is a brilliant looking bike: the 18" kid's bike KRAZY from KS Cycling - bright yellow to make sure your kid is seen - this sturdy fully mountain bike is every bit as good looking as a full size bike!
The bike isn't just a head-turner with its suspension frame, suspension forks and studded tyres, it's also very safe with it having front and rear V-brakes and a backpedal brake plus reflectors.
Frame: Full Suspension Steel Frame with Drive Rocker
Frame Height: 30 cm
Forks: Suspension Forks
Stem: Steel Stem
Tyres: MTB Studded Tyres 18 x 2.125
Wheel Rims: Black Anodised Aluminium Wheel Rims
Brakes: 2 Aluminium V-Brakes + Backpedal Brake
Bicycle Stand: Not included in the delivery
Accessories: Bell, Reflectors