Water retention occurs when the body stores water instead of passing it out naturally through the urine and sweat. Signs of water retention include swollen hands, ankles or abdomen, and often occurs around the time of menstruation or due to long periods of immobility (eg long flights). Measure the difference with these water retention tablets with relief of excess water weight, especially around the abdomen, hands and ankles.
HRI Water Balance tablets contain dandelion root and dandelion leaf, as well as uva ursi and buchu leaf. Dandelion leaves and roots have been used for centuries to help the body get rid of excess fluid. Dandelion is a particularly effective diuretic as it contains potassium; unlike conventional diuretics, dandelion does not deplete the body of potassium causing hypokalaemia. Uva Ursi leaf is a powerful natural diuretic which increases urine output and water retention. Buchu leaves were used in South Africa for hundreds of years and are now widely used as diuretics in Western herbal medicine.
Each HRI Water Balance tablet includes 100 mg active Dandelion herb, with root, 9.7 mg Uva-ursi leaf extract equivalent to 29 to 58 mg of Uva-ursi leaf and 11.25 mg Buchu leaf extract equivalent to 30-60mg of Buchu leaf. Suitable for vegetarians.
All HRI products carry a THR logo indicating that it has been reviewed and approved by the government body MHRA. THR demonstrates the highest standard of quality. HRI is a leading provider of herbal remedies and traditional herbal medicinal products and member of the British Herbal Medicine and the Health Food Manufacturers' Associations. HRI is a family-run, UK-based company that has over 40 years' experience.