Facial Hair Remover Threading Beauty Tool by Easy-go

  • Sale Price: £1.65
  • Availability: Usually dispatched within 1-2 business days


  • Shipped from within the UK. Please be aware other sellers ship from China
  • The instructions on the packaging are in Chinese but we provide you with full English instructions on how to use the Epistick.
  • Remove the hair by bending the stick into an inverted 'U'
  • Removes the hair root for a long lasting hair-free complexion.
  • Can be used to target the following areas and more: Forehead /Cheeks /Upper lip/Chin/Kneck

Product Details

Product Description

The Epistick is safe and easy to use in the privacy of your own home. The instructions on the packaging are in Chinese but we provide you with full English instructions on how to use the Epistick. Simply bend the stick into an inverted "U" and place it against the hairs you want to remove. Hold the handles and twist the stick in opposite directions. The hairs are trapped between the tightly coiled springs which then grip and remove the hairs in one swift movement. Comes complete with instructions for How It Works courtesy of RazorBlades4u Please Note: This item should not be immersed in water.

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