This bike has been used as a show/display bike by the UK supplier for magazine photo shoots and advertising and is classed as "blemished". All bikes are shipped boxed and will be checked before dispatch however we recommend a full PDI by your local bike store to have it running in tip top condition as fine adjustments can be affected by the delivery. The bikes DO NOT come with any booklets however the bike still carries the UK warranty. This can be found on the brand website.
Frame: Scalpel 29, 100mm, BallisTec Hi-Mod Carbon, Zero Pivot seatstay, BB30, 1.5 Si head tube
This bike does have a few tiny marks from where the bike has been fitted to and removed from cycle display stands. This has been ridden at cycle shows and it has cable rub protection already fitted to the frame. There is a light scratch near the rear axle and the decal on the lefty fork has been damaged slightly.