CANDIDA COMPLEX can reduce your chances of getting either candida/thrush or yeast infections and can replace & restore the beneficial bacteria, in easy to swallow capsules.
• OREGANO- Oregano oil is a powerful antimicrobial that can help fight off infections. Oregano oil also has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties,perfect for coping with a Candida infection.
• LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS- Lactobacillus Acidophilus has the ability to produce lactic acid to aid in mineral absorption from food and will also improve electrolyte absorption in the small intestine. It is a super ingredient for tackling vaginal yeast infections. It can also possibly reduce levels of cholesterol.
• CAPRYLIC ACID- Like other antifungals, caprylic acid works by interfering with the cell walls of the Candida yeast. Repeated studies have shown its effectiveness against Candida. According to a study conducted by Japan's Niigata University, the fungicidal effect of caprylic acid on Candida Albicans was exceedingly powerful". It is a potent antifungal that kills Candida cells, as well as restoring your stomach acidity to its normal levels.
• ALOE VERA- Aloe's ability to inhibit fungal growth is welcome news to those fighting stubborn yeast and fungal infections. It is an all-natural treatment with no known side effects, liberally laced with vitamins and nutrients which are easily taken up by the body.