The Bathmate X50 Extreme is the world's most powerful penis pump, a step up from it's predecessor, the X40. Just when you thought that the Xtreme range couldn't get any bigger, the X50 now provides you with even more power than before. This penis pump works with water in a pressurized vacuum, where it improves blood circulation to the penis for improved erections that last longer. It also delivers more intense orgasms. This penis pump has the same incredible features as the X30 and X40 pumps, but has new features too, like a handball pump for an even more intense pumping sensation. The X50 also features a tight seal and a soft pad around the base for more comfort. It also features the signature Bathmate design of Swivel Bellows for 360 degree rotation as well as the Super Flow Valve system for single-handed filling in the shower. This penis pump is Bathmate's most intense and extreme yet and is perfect for penis pump enthusiasts that are ready to take their experience to the next level. This pump should be used with caution and delivers amazing results with regular use.