Balancing yin and yang to create stability and health
There are accepted treatments for many common ailments from Migraine to Insomnia by Using Finger Massage on Acupuncture Points. The concept of the life force of Chi running through ones fingers is not new and has been around for thousands of years. The Antisnor ring is based upon these principles.
The ancient practice of acupressure from Chinese medicine, works largely on sensitive awareness of the laws of nature. It balances body and health in a more natural way, maintaining ones health by balancing the force of Chi. If this is unbalanced or unstable and cannot flow freely through the body, ones health may be affected.
There are 12 meridians located throughout the body. The AntiSnor Ring applies pressure on the small intestine and heart meridians, which are paired organs and act in conjunction with each other. With this understanding, by applying pressure to the meridian point on the small intestine on the left hand it clears the flow of energy by applying pressure to the small intestine and heart meridian channels helping in the prevention of snoring, as well as giving a calming effect on the heart.
Chinese medical theory teaches that the two branches of the body's nervous system, the sympathetic branch is the part of the nervous system that mobilizes our bodies to respond to stress. It initiates the fight-or-flight response, a more yang part of the cycle. The parasympathetic branch replenishes and supports the body during rest, the yin part of the cycle. These two branches oppose and balance each other to create stability and health. When the yin and yang are balanced within the body, all the body's functions are healthy. Illness is caused by an imbalance between yin and yang.
Chinese medical philosophy encompasses the entire universe. Everything that affects the patient is considered, including emotion, environment, and diet.