Anabox Weekly Pill Box – White

  • Sale Price: £13.95
  • Availability: Usually dispatched within 1-2 business days


  • One Anabox Weekly Pill Box
  • Colour: WHITE
  • The outer caseis designed so thatthe dispenser is easily detatched and replaced. Ifit is held upside down the dispensers will not fall out.
  • A medication chart is attached to the bottom of the case with space to write the patients name, medication notes and details of exactly when to take tablets.
  • Weight: 399 gms

Product Details

Product Description

The Anabox weekly pill box is suitable for users of all ages. It is designed for easy handling and to contain a full weeks supply of medication with easy identification of the days of the week and of the times of the day. This pill box is WHITE, but this item is also available in this section in different colours.

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