The E-Stim Systems range of Diamond Penis Plugs are a completely different kind of exquisite diamond jewellery for your penis. Engineered in the UK in the E-Stim Systems' workshop from aircraft grade aluminium and then polished to a stunning mirror finish, the Diamond Penis Plug was specifically designed to stay comfortably in place as it transmits electrifying sensations during play. The distinctive diamond head shape slips in smooth with its rounded tip and is held in place by the urethra as it closes around the swollen shaft of the plug. The large base helps to prevent over insertion while it also offers the same great electro sex sensation to the tip of your eager penis. Choose from three different diameters; these penis plugs are suitable for all levels of urethral play experience so everyone can join in on the fun. The E-Stim Systems Diamond Penis Plug features a thick base with groves along the side which will allow you to maintain a proper grip even with lube covered fingers. Each penis plug is fitted with a 4mm socket so you can use this with any electro sex power box as long as you have a lead wire with a 4mm connection. This penis plug is a monopole device so in order to make it work you must have another monopole device attached. Try experimenting with an electro sex cock ring or even a butt plug.