Medihoney Antibacterial medical HoneyCleans, Protects, HealsMedihoney Antibacterial Honey is a standardised antibacterial honey, predominantly Leptospermum sp. selected for its unique wound cleaning and antibacterial barrier properties.Medihoney Antibacterial Honey is a topical preparation which contains 100% Medihoney Antibacterial Honey and can be used for both chronic and acute wound care. It is proven to be clinically effective for:* providing a moist wound healing environment* protecting the wound by creating a barrier against wound pathogens including antibiotic resistant strains* providing a cleaner wound* rapidly removing malodour* reducing the risk of infection from bacteriaMedihoney Antibacterial Honey is a non-adherent natural dressing and therefore reduces trauma and pain at dressing changes.Indications:* Sinus wounds* Deep wounds* Inflected wounds* Sloughly wounds* Necrotic wounds* Malodorous wounds* Surgical wounds* Superficial wounds such as cuts, scratches, abrasions* Superficial burns* General first aidSerious wounds, such as deep, sinus, necrotic, diabetic, infected wounds, sloughy, malodorous or surgical wounds, should be managed under the supervision of a health care professional.Contraindications:Do not use on individuals who have had an allergic reaction to honey.Observations:The would may appear larger in size and depth as dead tissue is cleaned away. This increase should be followed by an improved appearance of the wound.Precautions:For any experience of a reaction other than a short lasting stinging sensation, remove the dressing and wash the affected area.To be used with caution and close observation on heavily exudating wounds.No recommended for use in body cavitiesIn the event of a slow or non-responding would please seek medical advice.Caution:Use within 4 months of opening