A scar is invariably caused by wound, which may be of mechanical, thermal or chemical origin and gives rise to loss or destruction of tissue.Wound healing commences as soon as damage has occurred. The terminal phase of the wound healing process is characterized by the formation of a tough,stable wound closure-the SCAR.Contractubex Gel developed by MERZ+CO. specifically for the treatment of scars and keloids. Contractubex has achieved outstanding success in the local treatment of hyper-and hypo-trophic, movement -impeding and keloidal scars. Both old and recent scars become smoother and the tissue more functional, elastic, strong and less conspicuous. It helps reduce C-section scars! How to use: Contractubex Gel is slightly massaged into the skin or scar tissue, 3 to 4 times daily until complete penetration of the Gel. In case of hard, old scars Contractubex Gel may be allowed to take effect overnight under a dressing. According to the size of the existing scar or contracuture, treatment will be necessary for several weeks. Subsequent operation and transplants can often be avoided by the application of Contractubex Gel. For External use only