The Snore Stopping Mouth Guard – Fully Guaranteed to Work In Your Sleep To Stop You Snoring

  • Sale Price: £1.93
  • Availability: Usually dispatched within 1-2 business days


  • The Snore Stopping Mouth Guard is FULLY GUARANTEED to help stop snoring
  • Medical research has proven it is almost impossible for someone to snore if the lower jaw is in a forward position. The Snore Stopping Mouth Guard does exactly this, very efficiently
  • Full instructions are included, along with a handy box to store your Snore Stopping Mouth Guard and a wooden spatula to help handling the Guard before you mould it to your teeth.
  • f you keep your partner awake or if they keep you awake with constant, neverending snoring, over and over, then the Snore Stopping Mouth Guard is exactly what you need

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