Therapeutic putty for strengthening the hand and wrist, as well as improving fine motor skills.
Available in 450g or 85g tubs.
When to use it:
Ideal for hand, finger and forearm exercises and to help increase dexterity and mobility, while improving fine and gross motor skills.
Common Conditions:
Following fractured fingers
Following wrist and hand fractures
Following upper limb fractures
Dislocated shoulder
AcromioClavicular (AC) joint injuries
Resistance Level (thickness):
Extra Firm
Large Tub (450g)
Small Tub (50g)
How it Works:
Following injury to the fingers, wrist, elbow or shoulder it is common for the muscles of the upper limb to waste due to disuse and for fine motor skills to diminish. Therapeutic Hand Putty can help maintain muscle function during the early stages and improve precision grip function and resolve swelling during the later stages of an upper limb injury.
The level of exercise can be graded depending on the resistance of the Therapeutic Hand Putty. Simply start with the easiest and work your way up as your ability improves.
This silicone base putty will not harden.