Knowing when you're ovulating can help you work out your most fertile time and therefore increase your chances of becoming pregnant. One way of doing this is to chart basal body temperature. Basal body temperature (BBT) is your temperature when you first wake up in the morning.
The Brannan ovulation thermometer is especially designed to accurately check body temperature and detect minute changes. Unlike a regular thermometer this thermometer is accurate to 0.1°C.
Comes complete with a temperature-plotting chart to record your readings and full instructions for its use.
The thermometer itself is quick, safe and simple to use with a large, easy to read display
* Quick, safe and simple to use
* Large, easy to read display
* Full instructions provided
* Comes complete with a protective case
* Has an audio alert beep and plays fever alarm music
It takes a measurement within 60 seconds:
* Measurement range 32- 44°C
* Resolution 0.1°C
* Accuracy 0.1°C