Hot flushes - women taking 40 milligrams of Red Clover isoflavones daily for 16 weeks found a 50% reduction in the number of hot flushes experienced and a 47% reduction in their severity.
Osteoporosis - in a study of 107 women who were approaching and going through the menopause, a 49% reduction in the loss of bone minerals was demonstrated.
Circulation health in menopausal women - an improvement in heart health, protection against narrowing of the arteries and a reduction in cholesterol levels have been demonstrated in menopausal women. This is thought to be due to the anti-oxidant and oestrogenic properties of Red Clover. The condition of arteries deteriorates in postmenopausal women.In trials, taking a Red Clover extract daily helped maintain healthy arteries.
Prostate health - Red Clover is used to aid urine flow and to help relieve irritation and inflammation of the urinary tract. Men in countries with a high isoflavone content diet have better prostate health. It has been speculated that this is due to an influence on testosterone metabolism and a reduction in cell division and growth.