500 milliliter (mL) / 16.9 Fluid Ounce (Fl Oz) glass bottle of MediSILVER AMBER. MediSILVER AMBER is 20 ppm of 99.99+% pure Silver as bio-available nanoparticles colloidally suspended in pure, pharmaceutical grade water. Top is double sealed: cap is sealed to neck of bottle with heat shrink neck band that also reads "SEALED FOR YOUR PROTECTION". Shelf life should be several years for unopened bottles. Not photo-sensitive. DO NOT ALLOW THIS PRODUCT TO FREEZE...all of the Silver nanoparticles will no longer be colloidally suspended after the frozen product thaws and the liquid will turn clear. Recommended servings is one tablespoon (15 mL) for adults, or one teaspoon (5 mL) for children, taken on an empty stomach to maximize adsorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Wait 20 to 30 minutes before eating or drinking. One tablespoon provides 300 mcg of 99.99+% pure silver, one teaspoon provides 100 mcg of 99.99+% pure Silver. Ships from USA within 3 business days via DHL with all shipping and VAT pre-paid.