Marly Skin – The Original – Skin protection foam | for perioral dermatitis, eczema and skin irritation | skin protection | protect, strengthen and regenerate the skin barrier
Marly Skin - The original skin protection foam is used for dermatological damage, skin irritations such as eczema, dermatoses, contact allergies and to strengthen and regenerate the skin barrier. In the case of perioral dermatitis, Marly Skin accelerates the healing process rapidly. The microfine foam quickly penetrates into the upper horny layer of your skin and forms a highly resistant protective network that prevents harmful substances and allergens. Pathological skin reactions are thus prevented. Marly Skin forms a highly resistant and breathable protection network. Due to its microfine structure, Marly Skin is completely absorbed very quickly and is extremely pleasant. The foam does not leave an oily film on the skin and can be applied to the whole body from head to toe, including the face and eyes. The application: - Wash hands/skin before use and dry well. - Shake can vigorously before each use and hold spray head vertically downwards. - Remove foam for the area of skin to be protected (a walnut-sized amount is sufficient for the hands). - Rub evenly and thoroughly into the skin. Do not forget the fingertips, nail fold and spaces between the fingers on your hands! For optimal distribution, it is advisable to remove jewelry (e.g. rings). - After rubbing, let it work for 3 minutes - now your skin is protected for 4-6 hours! - Repeat the process every 4-6 hours.