Allergy Check Milk

  • Sale Price: £6.50
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  • allergic test milk
  • check test milk

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Product Description

Cow milk allergy? A second official name for cow milk allergy is the cow milk protein allergy. Cow milk allergy is different from lactose intolerance. These two diseases are quite often confused. Lactose intolerance patients lack the enzyme lactase. Lactose intolerance patients don't break down lactose and don't absorb it in the body. This is no allergy. With cow milk allergy there is an allergic reaction against a protein from cow milk. Since milk contains many different proteins, different proteins can cause an allergic reaction. It is impossible to predict which proteins may cause an allergic reaction. Allergy-Check ® - Milk can determine wheter you have a (cow) milk allergy or not. At babies milk allergy is the most common form of allergy. Lactose intolerance is commonly reflected in later life and whether you get it is genetically determined. Abdominal pain and rash can be the result of both lactose intolerance and cow milk allergy. With babies even both sensitivities can be present simultaneously. Milk can not simply be removed from the diet of infants because it is, after breastfeeding, the main source of protein and other nutrients. For counteractingh the symptoms of a milk allergy basically exclude all milk from your diet. And also all dairy made of cow milk. In many cases, goat or sheep milk gives no responses, however in some cases it may respond (some proteins are present in both, cow and goat milk). Allergy to goat milk is not common. Yogurt, cottage cheese and similar products are also not recommended, almost all proteins are present and intact, so allergic symptoms may occur. People with lactose intolerance on the other hand, can use these products.

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