Wheelchair users require to sit for much longer time than normal people, and pressure sore is one of the big issues. Airtube is the best cushion allows you to sit all day long without feeling sore. It has individual air tubes to evenly support your body, spread out pressures and effectively relieve soreness. Each individual air tube provide small contact point, which greatly decrease the chance of having pressure sore. So If you are required to use a wheelchair or you need to sit all day long, Airtube is definitely something that you must buy. Many patients didnÕt get to know about this kind of cushion, and sadly faced a lot of pressure sore issues (also known as decubitus ulcers). Decubitus ulcer can become long term serious problem and often difficult to recover. Therefore better prevent it before it happens. There are many similar products in the market, but Airtube cushion is just much lower in cost.