Lavender Essential Oil is one of the most popular among the essential oils and it is extremely versatile oil with a plethora of uses. In aromatherapy, it is thought to have a calming and soothing effect on the senses. Add a few drops to your diffuser or burner and immerse yourself in the relaxing nature of Lavender Oil. Lavender Oil is well known for its relaxant properties, and therefore is often features in massage oils blends, particularly calming blends. Used in massage before bedtime, it can help you unwind and let go of the stresses of the day.
How to Use:
Dilution: Dilute at a percentage of 1% of the finished blend, typically 20 drops or 1ml of essential oil to 100ml of carrier oil. Do not use undiluted on the skin. You can use up to 3% dilution for use on your body or in the bath.
Skincare: Lavender is a great oil to use in skincare. Combine 25g of Shea Butter (#306), 22.5ml of Rosehip Seed Oil (#246), 2.5ml of Natural Vitamin E (#807) and 0.5ml (approx. 10 drops) of Lavender to create a hand cream for dry skin.
Massage: Combine Lavender Oil with your favourite carrier oil to apply to your skin leaving your skin soothed and your muscles relaxed. We suggest Olive (#223), Sunflower (#253) or Jojoba (#233).