The small black pumice is ideal for home use or travel. The sizes range from 5-7cm. They are also very popular as gifts. Black pumice are ideal exfoliating hard skin on the feet. Collected from mountain summits in Lebanon, these pumice stones were ejected as foamy lather from a now extinct volcano. These Lebanese pumice will add an air of elegance to any bath suite. The stone has large pores giving it a very effective exfoliating action. Look after it, and it will last for many years. The stones are generally black but due to the natural variation, a few are dark grey, and some reddish black. The weights and shapes vary as there were formed through explosive action. However, each pumice is shaped to maximize the its potential for removing dead skin from the feet and to make it easy to hold and use.
It is much easier to remove areas of thick skin with a pumice if Hemp Oil exfoliating soap is applied to the area first. This natural soft soap separates the dead skin away from the living skin, making pumicing more effective, less ticklish and giving the smoothest, most professional finish.